The little-known 80/20 secret to drive conversions from your marketing
Everything you ever do is subject to this…
Honestly, it’s a little scary.
It simply states that:
20% of results dictate 80% of the action.
And that 80% of your time is spent on 20% of the results.
Think of it this way…
20% of the roads take 80% of the traffic…
20% of employees make 80% of the results (or money)…
You spend 80% of your time in 20% of the rooms in your house…
Simply put… if you applied this to your life right now… you’d get more from less…
You’d be able to get more leads & sales without compromising other parts of your business.
Only IF you know what to look for…
Anyway, here’s how you can apply this to your life (and your business):
1. 80/20 Destination: — Where you want to be
2. 80/20 Route: — Easiest path to the destination (above)
3. 80/20 Actions: — Your first key steps
And to make this super simple… let’s apply it to YOU.
1. What’s your 80/20 destination? — Having your calendar fully-booked with prospective client calls
2. What’s your 80/20 route? — A simple and step by step plan to leverage the power of YouTube Ads to capture your prospects & get them into your funnel
3. What’s your 80/20 action? — Focus on the big wins instead of sweating the small stuff… Instead of trying to learn YouTube Ads on your own (losing time & money in the process) you’ll find the right mentor with the right strategies to get your ads up and running (no trial & error!)
So how can you do this today?
Simple. Set up an action plan and start STRONG.
The best way to do that is by booking a YouTube Ads Strategy Session with me.
And no matter what you do… remember to focus on big wins using your “80/20 secret” when it comes to managing your business the right way.
Talk soon.
— Aleric
P.S. ^ That’s exactly the secret to how I’ve been able to help over a thousand clients leverage the power of YouTube Ads. Once you get to this scale of client success, you may wonder what it’s like to scale up your YouTube Ads to thousands of dollars a day. Watch this YouTube Video to learn all about it.
Aleric Heck helps Entrepreneurs & Business Owners use YouTube Ads to generate Leads & Sales through his Company AdOutreach. Read more of his Medium posts to learn how you can use YouTube Video Ads to scale your business!
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