Why millionaires struggle
Every year I attend several online marketing events.
Not only do I go to the VERY high-ticket retreats in Turks & Caicos and other places…
But I also go to the more “mainstream” events like CFL.
And yeah, it’s great seeing my friends…
Going out for steaks & hanging out with them afterward…
And catching up with my mentors.
But every time I go to an event…
I’m struck by how almost everybody I meet is struggling in some way with their advertising.
And I’m not talking about people struggling to get their course off the ground…
I’m talking about people already at 100,000 USD — 1m+ USD per MONTH.
As the Notorious B.I.G says…
Mo’ money, mo’ problems.
It’s rare I ever meet anybody who already is like “WOW, my FB ads sure are doing GREAT!”
If it’s not questions & complaints about their ad accounts being closed down recently…
It’s the constant anxiety of it happening to them any day now.
I don’t get it.
Because this misguided loyalty to Darth Zuck is the primary cause for people wasting time and money.
And — just so you know… if I’m talking about you… this next part is VERY important:
When I see my past & current clients at these events, there are ZERO complaints about YT ads.
It’s always, “Yo, I never even thought this kind of ROAS was POSSIBLE!”
Case in point…
These results →
They speak for themselves.
Do you think it’s possible that we can do the same for you?
Because I do.
No matter the industry…
If you have a business that actually helps people…
Use the link below to book a call with our advisors.
– Aleric
PS — There’s literally no reason to wait. The longer you wait… the louder Zuck laughs. Watch this video to see how YouTube and Facebook differ with ad account shutdowns & customer support.
Aleric Heck helps Entrepreneurs & Business Owners use YouTube Ads to generate Leads & Sales through his Company AdOutreach. Read more of his Medium posts to learn how you can use YouTube Video Ads to scale your business!
Join the YouTube Ads for Entrepreneurs Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/advancedyoutubeads
YouTube Ads Strategy Call with Aleric: https://www.adoutreach.com/apply
See More YouTube Ad Results: https://www.adoutreach.com/tank
YouTube Ads Webinar: https://www.adoutreach.com/webinar
OmniPresent Retargeting Webinar: https://www.adoutreach.com/omnipresent-webinar